In the following article we have compiled the 5 essential things that should be in your COVID-19 kit in the times of the pandemic. Find out what they are, their importance, and how it is best to use them.
Face Masks
Of course, the first on our list are the face masks. Nowadays here in Spain, it is mandatory to carry one at all times when you are out on the street. However, there are several considerations to take into account before choosing which mask to wear and where.
Surgical masks are waterproof and protect their wearer from larger respiratory droplets that come out when coughing or sneezing, but they serve above all to not infect the others. If you are wearing this mask, you are protecting those who surround you, so make sure that they show you the same respect.
Cloth masks are very similar: in the first place they serve to prevent the spread of the disease and they also represent an obstacle for the respiratory droplets of others.
The thicker masks are hygienic masks (images 3 and 5). They are the most suitable for the common population and should be carried by healthy people who have not been in contact with the virus and do not show any symptoms of the disease.
However, you should remember that professional face masks should be reserved for healthcare workers. You do not need one in your everyday life.
Sanitisers have grown to become essential in times of the pandemic. Now we can find it at the entrances of practically all public establishments. It is important to keep your hands clean and avoid touching your face, however, you should not abuse sanitising hand gels. When using them, you kill not only harmful microbes but also potentially benign ones in the microbiome of your hands.
You do have to have one with you just in case there is no access to soap and water. However, it should not become a habit to disinfect your hands every time you touch or do something. An antiseptic hand gel should be used in case of necessity.
On the other hand, it might be a good idea to disinfect your computer keyboard (if you work a lot in front of the screen), because, as you would agree, the thought process is often accompanied by the face touching.
A thermometer
Another thing that should be part of your COVID-19 kit is a thermometer. On the one hand, the demand for thermometers has gone up and today they are scarce in pharmacies. But the good news is that the thermometer has always been part of a family’s medicine cabinet, so you probably already own one.
You should always have access to a thermometer, either electronic or mercury one, so that you can measure your body temperature when you have COVID-19 symptoms. This way, when you call the doctor, you can explain your situation in more detail and they will be able to provide you with more personalised service.
Another detail that you have to take into account is that compliance with the law requires that your body temperature is measured before you enter certain public establishments. Contactless thermometers come in the shape of a “gun”, so don’t be afraid when you see a masked police officer or medic pointing it at you – they just want to measure your temperature.
Pulse oximeter
Another item in your COVID-19 kit should be a pulse oximeter. Since this infection in most cases affects the lungs of the patient, it is important to remember that the oxygen level in the blood can drop without noticing. This is very dangerous, because if the oxygen level drops too low, you can lose consciousness or it can even have fatal consequences. So you are better off keeping it under control. Yes, you may be able to feel the oxygen drop on your own, experiencing breathing difficulties, but it is always better to be on the safe side.
The levels considered normal are around 97 – 98. If your oxygen level is lower than 95, you should be alarmed and consult your doctor immediately. You may require hospitalisation. All in all, a pulse oximeter could be a good investment for your COVID-19 kit. It is very easy to acquire and it is also easy to use.

Some common sense