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Traffic Department warns the drivers about the side effects of certain medicines It is known that almost all medicines have side effects. They might be something minor like a mild headache or even not affect you at all. However, when it comes to driving, one should be extremely careful. According to the Spanish Traffic Department, [...]
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Dentistry and general anaesthesia

Due to the progress of medicine, more and more people are extending their lives thanks to transplants, surgeries, medicines, etc. This creates more and more patients at risk who need to be treated in dentistry in conditions of maximum safety. Similarly, there are people who, for physical or psychological reasons, are unable to show themselves [...]
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Anxiety and Psychology

Charles Darwin (1809-1882), an English scientist, observed that the structures that produce panic anxiety in humans derive from the same evolutionary roots as the "fight or flight" reaction of a rat. This is why many people think that anxiety, despite all philosophy and psychology, is also a biological phenomenon that does not seem to differ [...]
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Mature skin and its problems

The Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV) aims to show the most common conditions that may suffer mature skin in older people and how to address them, for example, through healthy diet the whole year round, to achieve the best skin possible. According to Dr. Manuel Ginarte, a member of this academy, in E.U. [...]