Spain is a country with a very high UV index, so if you are not careful and do not apply sunscreen correctly, you risk getting sunburned. What is a sunburn and how to deal with it? If this summer you intend to go to the beach and sunbathe, this article may result useful to you.

What is a sunburn?

A sunburn occurs when the skin is exposed to the sun for a long time and receives too much ultraviolet light. Radiation damages skin cells and the immune system causes inflammation in these areas for the affected cells to die out. This results in peeling skin, which allows our body to get rid of dead skin cells.

How to treat the affected areas?

If you got sunburned, you need to cool the skin to reduce the inflammation. Shower first, and then apply a moisturiser to a clean, damp skin. In order for it to have more effect and provide more relief, you can put it in the fridge before you use it. The best option is a revitalising aloe vera cream (which you can find in any supermarket), as opposed to dense moisturisers or, for example, vaseline, because they would not allow the skin to breathe and cool down.

You have to apply the cream regularly throughout the day and the following days, to hydrate the skin and reduce inflammation. In addition, these days you will have to take extra measures to protect the skin from sunlight.


Other recommendations include:

– Drink more water to stay hydrated;

– If the sunburn hurts too much, take a painkiller such as ibuprofen or paracetamol;

– Apply cold compresses on burned areas;

– If the skin itches, you can take an antihistamine or apply a cream based on hydrocortisone (1%);

– You should NOT try to remove the peeling skin;

– You should NOT burst the blisters, if you have them, as they can get infected.

When do I need medical assistance?

Third degree burns require immediate medical attention. When more than 20% of the body is covered in blisters, for example your back or your entire leg, and when you have severe pain or a body temperature above 39°. You should also consult a doctor if a child under 1 year of age gets a sunburn, regardless of the degree.